I think we can all agree that lockdown has been a very, very strange time. We’ve been isolated, been kept from our friends and family, and had to witness far too many Joe Wicks workout adverts for my liking. Fuck of Joseph, I don’t want to do squats in my living room! Just let me get pissed on my own guilt-free, please. My furlough has been shite and I’ve been craving to be back at work – thankfully, that day finally returned!
On the 15th, we were told that retailers could open again. Why you would want to take your family shopping during a pandemic I don’t know. Especially considering half the people out shopping are the ones who slagged off the Black Lives Matter protests and said they couldn’t take their kids back to school for “safety”. Still, it meant I got to head back to Ollie Quinn to feel like a functioning member of society again.
Once I was back, I had to do a new A-board sign to say we were open again for business… I may have taken advantage of it being Pride month with my signage:
Of course, I couldn’t resist doing a little nod to Alyssa Edwards (and the pride flag). I felt it was a necessity. 😄
I thought it was time I started dressing up again and stop wearing joggers every day – those habits need to go! Honestly, it felt like a treat to put a pair of trousers on and a nice top again – and shoes! God, I feel like I haven’t worn shoes for ages. I’ve just been living in trainers.
Sunglasses: Ollie Quinn
Jumper: Moschino
Flared Trousers: Vintage
Cuban Heels: ASOS