Bugger me blind, we’re back to 7 queens! Yes after the pointless episode last week where we basically had to watch an hour of lipsync performances of RuPaul’s music, we finally ended up having Latrice Royale back in the competition…
Tag: Valentina
Last episode’s twist had me gagged, but this week, that gag turned into a dry-heave. “Why Harry? What made you hate it so?” I’m glad you asked. The whole episode was made up of just three things; 1) A plug…
Gag 👏🏻 of 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 century! This episode really did have everything, comedy, a strong runway, another Stacey Layne Matthews cameo and the mother of all twists. So far, I think this was the strongest episode of All Stars 4, not because…
These queens didn’t come to play this season. In fact, it’s only taken us 4 episodes to see just how hot the competition is getting. And believe me, tough decisions are being made. But that’s just the name of the…
Well bugger me blind, in the words of Gia Gunn, “Shit’s getting gaggy!” I was quite thrilled to have found a very early leak of episode 3 on YouTube (link at the bottom of the article – just close your…
Henny, All Stars 4 certainly isn’t messing around. This week the queens had to record songs as a girl group, create a dance routine, sell the story and collaborate with a very special guest. That’s right, the original ‘Miss Henny’…
Thank the gay gods in heaven above, RuPaul’s Drag Race: All Stars 4 is coming just in time for Christmas! There has been much speculation, debate and intrigue as to who the next group of All Stars queens would be…