The Norm Can Conform

The opinions you never asked for on the subjects you’re not bothered about.

This Charming Man by Robert J Railton – A portrait of Harry J Bartlett

This Charming Man Portrait by RJR

I have been living in London for around 2 months now. Still career hunting but somehow surviving. So far all is grand but christ on a bike I would love some British Legal Tender to come my way soon.

Anyway, today is not a day to be a Moaning Minnie, the sun is shining and after last nights deep clean of my bedroom, I now feel like I have a rather respectable place to rest my weary head.

I’ve been on the prowl for some weird and wonderful things to make my room feel less like an old 90’s office space with a bed dumped in and more like a boudoir of kitsch and colourful fixtures and so far I have been blessed with some treasures.

My good friend (and talented artist) Robert kindly encapsulated my sub-par handsomeness and taste for tack and presented it in a beautiful little art piece for me. This lovely little portrait was kindly gifted as “something for the wall” in the new residence.
Those of you keep up to speed with my adventures on Instagram, you will probably have seen Robert appear a few times with me in Street Style photographs taken at various seasons of London Collections: Men usually in unplanned but rather complimentary attire. We have dubbed ourselves as the Artful Dodger and Fagin of fashion.

hjb and rjr x unlimited by jk

Robert’s motivations were to capture the self assembly spirit of street style, using collage and mixed media materials to emulate the sense of the subjects dress style; colour texture etc.

“As a subject, I appreciate individualism maverick spirit, i’m fascinated when i recognize traits of historical figures and icon characters in my muses…Harry is a mix of 80’s pop frivolity, regency dandy and matinee idol – a child of the Blitz Generation.”

I would strongly recommend checking out Robert’s other works: and to get an idea of his many inspirations and escapades, check out his Instagram account:

Harry J Bartlett

Digital Content Creator, lover of fashion, drag queen connoisseur and all around phenomenal human being. If I had to describe myself in 3 words I would say; Gorgeous, Talented and Humble.

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